The New Gasparian
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A journal dedicated to the life and mission of St. Gaspar del Bufalo, and to a life lived in response to the call and the cry of the Most Precious Blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our on-going mission is to share good news of hope and communion.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004
The Holy Mission

I am preparing for more missions in Ohio and Indiana, and a Retrouvaille in Florida. This was a comfort and a challenge to read from St. Gaspar:

"What means is there that is more effective in jarring sinners from the deep sleep that weighs them down, in encouraging the tepid, in enlivening the pusillanimous, in moving the just to become more holy, than promoting Missions in our dioceses? Venerable brothers and beloved sons, console yourselves with the peace that is given to you through your participation in the ministry! From our many hearts, one heart alone will be formed in the adorable side of Jesus Christ. The Blood of the innocent lamb will reconcile all of us to the divine, eternal Father and the holy fire of the love of God will purge our souls that will then be converted into burning fires of charity."

"Prepare yourselves for the holy Retreat which you will make in these days of salvation that we have announced to you. Work hard to promote tirelessly that greater glory of God and thus correspond better to the holy vocation of the priesthood. Every type of person will be responsive to the divine voice as you will soon see as you practice more. But, in a special way, let us pray to God, oh venerable brethren, for ourselves, so that at the end of the Missions, the vineyard of Jesus Christ that has been entrusted to us will remain in an improved condition for our Heavenly Vinedresser. Thus, armed in a special way with fortitude and courage, we will see his divine intentions fulfilled to whom be honor et gloria in saecula saeculorum. Amen."

(Notification of the Mission in Terracina in 1819, Volume 19, p. 556-558)

posted by Fr. Jeffrey Keyes, C.PP.S. on 1:39 PM link
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Busy day, so light on blogging. It is always like this when it is bill-paying time. I will spending the bulk of the day putting little numbers into little boxes, organizing accounts, balancing checkbooks. It is also my day to cook. I have already been to the grocery store. It is going to be baked Tilapia, herbed rice, mixed veggies, tossed salad, bread and wine. It will be a very low sodium diet since the last two nights have been a bit of overkill on the sodium and my blood pressure is showing it. I might as well do some laundry just to make the whole day domestic, but I forgot to buy quarters.

posted by Fr. Jeffrey Keyes, C.PP.S. on 12:35 PM link
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St. Blog's Parish

The article in Commonweal about Catholic Blogging is now on-line.

posted by Fr. Jeffrey Keyes, C.PP.S. on 12:02 PM link
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